July 27, 2024

Iran: a wave of poisoning of girls – arrests in five provinces

Iran: a wave of poisoning of girls – arrests in five provinces


A mysterious wave of poisoning of a girl – the regime arrests several people

Mysterious cases of poisoning in girls’ schools continue to worry Iran. After a word of reference from religious leader and head of state Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, many people have now been arrested.


The wave of poisoning in Iran hits girls’ schools almost exclusively.

Twitter / AP

  • Iranian security forces arrested people in five provinces of the country.

  • They are said to be related to the wave of poisoning that swept Iran for several months.

  • Targeted attacks hit girls’ schools almost exclusively.

in contact with A mysterious poisoning wave in Iran Suspects were arrested in five provinces. On Tuesday, the Fars news agency reported, quoting the deputy interior minister in charge of the security forces, Majid Marhamadi. At first there was no more accurate information about the number of arrests and the background of the suspects.

“unforgivable crime”

On Monday, Iran’s religious leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, called for those responsible for the wave of poisoning to be punished. Khamenei, who has the last word in Iran on all strategic matters, commented for the first time on the wave of poisoning sweeping the country. He called it an “unforgivable crime”.

the The first cases of mysterious poisoning were reported in November mentioned. The Iranian government assumes targeted attacks. Girls’ schools are almost exclusively affected. Schoolgirls were treated in hospitals across the country. Parents and relatives are angry and angry. They accuse the authorities of failing and blame them. Doctors talk about gas poisoning.

Washington is calling for an independent investigation

The White House called for a “credible and independent investigation” into the incidents. White House spokeswoman Karen Jean-Pierre said Monday that those responsible must be held accountable. Poisoning of schoolgirls in Iran is ‘unheard of’. If girls were poisoned for trying to get an education, it would be “shameful and unacceptable”. “Women and girls everywhere have a fundamental right to education,” said Jean-Pierre.

Iranian media has so far reported more than 2,500 cases of poisoning in schools. This was the result of an assessment of the reports that appeared in the Iranian media from November to early March. There are currently no official figures on the total size of the poisoning wave. Observers also assume that there are unreported cases.

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