July 27, 2024

In this city there will be only about 30 km / h

In this city there will be only about 30 km / h

in Bologna, Italy 30 km / h on the first of July Replace 50 km / h almost everywhere in the city. However, violations of the new traffic regulations will only be He is sanctioned from 2024which is a kind of transitional stage until the end of the year.

The new top speed record is being started as part of the “City of Bologna 30” project. Bologna Mayor Matteo Libor hopes that the new regulations will significantly improve road safety and better protect citizens and drivers.

The speed limit of 30 km/h also applies to Exit routes via Massarenti, via Mazzini, via Andrea Costa, via Saffi, via Zanardi, via San Donato, via Murri, via San Mamolo, via Saragozza.

However, there is also Exceptions as Tempo 50 will continue to exist: Vie Agucchi, Arno, Baldacci, Caduti di Casteldebole, Colombo, Corelli, Dalla Volta, Gnudi, Lazzaretto, Manzi, Marcello, Mario, Ortolani, Sturzo, Terrapieno, Triumvirato, Piazzale Atleti Azzurri d’Italia, Porta Castiglione, Porta Mascarella, Porta San Donato, Porta San Felice, Porta San Mamolo, Porta San Vitale, Porta Santo Stefano, VII November 1944, Ponte Riccardo Bacchelli, 35 Reggimento Fanteria Pistoia, Battaglia di Casteldebole, Bottoni, Brigata Paracadutisti Folgore, Buboti in Missione di Pace, Canè Crocioni Michelini, Crocerossine, De Gaull, Dispersi nel Naufragio del Piroscafo Oria, Donati, Forni, Gozzadini, Gozzetti, Granatieri di Sardegna, Gualandi, Guidi, Lavoratori licenziati per Romagni, Malaguti, Malaguti, Senna, Sottopasso Maserati, Taxisti Vittime Strage 2 Agosto 1980, Vicinelli.