July 27, 2024

France rejects extradition of priests to Canada – kath.ch

France rejects extradition of priests to Canada – kath.ch

French authorities have rejected Canada’s request to extradite a priest accused of abuse. This is for legal reasons.

Canadian media reported that accused Johannes Rivoire (92) was a French citizen at the time. And France cannot deport its own citizens. Additionally, too much time elapsed between the events in question and the indictment.

Attacks against tribal people

Rivoire has been charged with sexual assault he allegedly committed decades ago in Canada’s Nunavut territory. This is where the Inuit tribe lives. Some of those killed were reportedly minors at the time of the crime.

The Canadian government submitted an extradition request to France a few months ago. Inuit officials have privately asked Pope Francis to urge the priest to voluntarily go to Canada to face charges. However, Rivoire said he has no plans to return to Canada. So criminal prosecution – as of now – is not possible. (kna)

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