July 27, 2024

“F*** off!”: Star chef bans vegans from entering the house

“F*** off!”: Star chef bans vegans from entering the house

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from: Ulric Hagen

A celebrity chef banned all vegans from his restaurant after a customer complained about her meatless meal: “You can run.”

Perth – Its menu features chicken liver pate, pork belly, leg of lamb, beef cheek, squid confit and duck. In fact, all the alarm bells should have rung for the young vegetarian, who visits star chef John Mountain’s “Fyre” restaurant in Perth, Australia. Instead, I ordered a vegetarian menu, thus breaking a huge fight off the fence. The restaurant owner finally ripped off the collar. Vegetarians are now banned from his home.

Celebrity chef John Mountain bans all vegans from his restaurant: © Instagram / JohnMountain

“Piss!”: Star Chef bans vegans from entering the house

“Fyre” is the name of the restaurant in the Perth suburb of Connolly where the confrontation took place last Saturday (June 17): “A young girl came into the restaurant, talked…and asked if there were vegan options,” he quotes. daily Mail Mountain restaurant manager. “That was my only inability… I said I’d take it in, I said we’d have gnocchi, veggies… and that was it.”

However, the vegetarian girl feels very left out: “My only option was the veggie plate…it was good but not filling…I was shocked when I saw it was $32,” she wrote via message after visiting her on Facebook. “Reviews like this are really bad for business,” Mountain tells the magazine. Perth now : F*** vegans seriously… I’m done. At the end of the day, it’s not what I want to do, they can get away with it.”

I look forward to never seeing you again. You and your fellow vegetarians can go and enjoy their dishes elsewhere. You are now banned from home.

Koch etches: “Vegetarians are banned from home for mental health reasons”

Your shoddy critique draws a barrage of criticism from supporters, but also concrete criticism online among meat lovers and meat haters. Under the hashtags #vegan #nott #pleasegoelsewhere #veganfreezone #nomorevegans, the native Brett Mountain then posted his most blunt statement about the heated discussions on Facebook: “Unfortunately, all vegans are being banned from the Fyre for mental health reasons with immediate effect. Thank you for your understanding.” .

“F**k vegans seriously…I’m done” – the restaurateur pulls out a veggie ripcord

“You and your fellow vegans can go and enjoy your meals elsewhere. He reiterated his ban in a post in response to an angry reviewer. “But if you’re lovely vegans who want to band together to talk about my business, go ahead and see what my customers think,” he wrote. Onwards all vegans have been banned from my restaurant. Thank you for your disgusting review…xx”

Vegetarian house ban: Restaurant reservations ‘rising absurdly high’

Mountain came from the UK seven years ago where he was a Michelin starred chef, shared an agent with kitchen superstar Jamie Oliver and appeared on the cooking shows Great British Menu and Chef Race UK vs US. His vegan home ban has attracted international media attention — and, as Mountain reported, has garnered “overwhelming support.”

He said on Wednesday (June 21) that “bookings have gone up so dramatically in an absurd way.” Perth now. “The people’s support is overwhelming. One of the best chefs in the country came out of my house this evening, hugged me and said he loved me.”