July 27, 2024

Experimental environment.  Art and science in dialogue –

Experimental environment. Art and science in dialogue –

04/06 – 21/11/2024 | St. Gallen Museum of Art
Access date: April 5, 2024

Cécile Tolas and Christina Agapakis, The_Suiss_The_Cheese, 2023, installation, Experimental Ecology, KBH.G Image: Kulturstiftung Basel H. Geiger | KBH.G photo

The St. Gallen Art Museum presents an interactive exhibition presenting new ideas on the topic of the environment. Five teams, each consisting of two people from the fields of art and science, approach current environmental issues from different perspectives. The exhibition opens new horizons and stimulates interdisciplinary dialogue.

Based on Experiments in Art and Technology (EAT), an initiative to promote collaboration between art and new technologies in New York in the late 1960s, the Experimental Environment Project creates a platform for environmental artists and scholars. International representatives of both disciplines were selected to conduct joint research. The five teams developed unexpected projects: cheese made from human skin bacteria; Game to communicate with fish. Walking as a dialogue about the forest as a complex system; Classification of plankton as the oldest source of oxygen in the world; and a theater about the creation of farmed salmon in the Southern Hemisphere. The projects open new perspectives and a different understanding of the complex connections in our environment.

Accompanying workshops and a series of lectures provide the opportunity to actively engage in discussions and delve deeper into topic areas.

Participants: Christina Agapakis (synthetic biologist, Ginko Bioworks, Boston), Alex Jordan (biologist, Behavioral Evolution Research Group, Max Planck Institute, Konstanz), Michele Marie Letellier (artist, Berlin), Ingo Nierman (writer, artist, Basel ), Karin Bateman (biologist, professor of marine biology, University of Bergen), Matthias Rehlig (biologist, Institute of Biology, University of Virginia Berlin), Rikka Turianen (artist, Zurich), Cécile Tullas (artist and olfactory researcher, Berlin ), Miki Vogt (Biochemist, Department of Environmental Systems Science, ETH Zurich), Zeng Bo (Artist, Hong Kong).

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Curators: Martina Huber, WE ARE AIA, Zurich, and Gianni Getzer, Director of the Kunstmuseum St. Gallen. The exhibition was organized, financed and produced by the Basel Geiger Cultural Foundation.

St. Gallen Museum of Art
32 Museum Street
9000 St. Gallen

He presses

Catalogs/media on the topic:
Cecil Tolas

Cecil Tullas:

– Berlin Biennale 2004

– Diriyah Biennale for Contemporary Art 2024

– Gwangju Biennale 2006

– Liverpool Biennale 2006

– Momentum 8

– Moscow Biennale 2017

– Riga Biennale 2018