July 27, 2024

Container traffic jam in the USA is ‘getting worse every day’

Container traffic jam in the USA is ‘getting worse every day’

Cargo ships are stowed in front of the USA. The problem is empty containers that cannot be stacked. Work is now going on around the clock at the ports.

The basics in brief

  • Freight shipments are piling in front of ports in California.
  • The problem is the empty containers that have to be stored on the trucks.
  • In order to save the Christmas business, people can now work 24 hours a day.

About 100 cargo ships, each with 24,000 containers, are moored in front of ports in Long Beach and Los Angeles. They are waiting to unload their goods, which are mainly produced in Asia. On average, they have to be patient for about a week, Welt reports. and this leads to Commodity bottlenecks and high freight rates.

In less than two months Christmas – The most profitable time for many companies. indeed due to overcrowding of the container A bad Christmas quarter threatens. That is why the head of a start-up logistics company called for several actions – some of which were successful.

93 out of 100 cranes are out of order

Ryan Petersen wrote: “The circulatory system of our global economy has collapsed.” Twitter. Negative feedback loops are making things worse every day. On a harbor tour in Long Beach, he saw 100 cranes, but only about seven empty containers, he reported.

The problem is that while as many goods as possible are produced again in Asia, the United States is not. This leads to many Empty containers standing on trucksBut it is not allowed to unload it. Petersen explains that this should only happen in certain places. And because stacking is prohibited, there is not enough space.

Result: “The trucks store empty containers and cannot pick up any full containers at the port.” On the other hand, the port has no place to unload containers from ships. However, ships cannot pick up any empty ships and take them away.

Long Beach has now responded to the problem and one of Petersen’s demands: Up to six empty containers can be stacked, freeing up space in port, warehouse and trucking. In addition, work can now be carried out around the clock at large ports on the West Coast of the United States.

How to buy Christmas gifts for your loved ones?

It remains to be seen if this will save Christmas business. Many companies have already taken their own measures. Amazon For example, ask their customers who gifts Order four weeks earlier than usual.

More on this topic:

Christmas gifts Twitter Amazon traffic jam

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