July 27, 2024

Coach Marian Vajda shoots Australia and the media

Coach Marian Vajda shoots Australia and the media

The case of Novak Djokovic still excites: in an interview, the coach of the Serbian team sharply fired at the Australian authorities and the media.

The basics in brief

  • Novak Djokovic (34) was forced to leave Australia shortly before the start of the Australian Open.
  • The deportation of the tennis star continues to spark debate.
  • Now his coach Marian Vajda (56) is joining the discussion.

Although Novak Djokovic has long returned to his homeland, the Serbian continues to conquer the world of tennis. Deported from Australia before start Australian Open It still causes heated debates.

This is now also being published By one of the world class coaches: Marian Vajda sharply shoots at the Australian authorities and media in an interview with «sport.sk».

“I still do not understand, Why did they do this to him‘,” says the 56-year-old about those responsible for Djokovic’s deportation. “I haven’t addressed this injustice yet.”

“The media is manipulating players to confront Novak”

But it is not only the authorities that are responsible for the escalation in Vajda’s eyes. “The media is responsible for the manipulation of information. In Australia in particular, they have constantly opposed Novak,” Vajda angry.

Djokovic is very different from what the media portrays him. “No one writes how many novak nights are in the morning the computer He spends writing to other players about how to help them. He fought for them throughout the pandemic.”

“I also have a feeling that many players are not receiving enough information about him,” Djokovic’s coach said. “The media plays them and makes them stand up to Djokovic.”

Djokovic ‘hasn’t said his last word yet’

The Slovakian raises serious allegations against the Australian government. It was a political process. In addition, Novak’s privacy was violated, as well as the privacy of his family. It will definitely have dire consequences.”

The general situation hit the tennis star hard. “It is very clear that this affects him and will hurt him for a long time. But I know him: Novak is strong and determined – and he has not yet spoken his last word in the tennis world.”

Was Novak Djokovic treated unfairly in Australia?

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Australian Open computer coach Djokovic

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