July 27, 2024

Boris Becker's insolvency proceedings in Great Britain have ended

Boris Becker's insolvency proceedings in Great Britain have ended

According to his lawyer, former tennis player Boris Becker is no longer insolvent. “As a result of an agreement with the insolvency administrators,… Boris Becker's private insolvency was legally ended by a decision at the High Court in London yesterdayLawyer Christian Oliver Moser told DPA on Thursday on behalf of the 56-year-old. The court ordered the immediate forgiveness of the remaining debts. This means that “our client is exempt from any further liability arising from the insolvency debts”.

Baker's registration with the insolvency registry was still visible on Thursday. The British Insolvency Authority confirmed to the German news agency that Baker's insolvency will be lifted on Saturday (April 27). According to the Authority, all requirements related to this procedure end with discharge from bankruptcy.

The three-time Wimbledon champion was in London at the end of April 2022 He was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison because he hid millions of dollars in assets from insolvency administrators. He was released in early December 2022 under a special foreign prisoner regulation, was immediately deported to Germany and, according to British media, will not be allowed to return to his former home in Great Britain until October 2024 at the earliest.

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However, insolvency proceedings continued regardless. Baker had to hand over part of his income to the insolvency administrators. According to his lawyer, he has now reached agreement on this point.

Lawyer Moser's statement continued that the terms of the agreement with the insolvency administrators are confidential. Baker “will not comment further on this process or other details at this time.” (dpa)