July 27, 2024

Art + cultural and creative products that breathe new life into cultural assets

Art + cultural and creative products that breathe new life into cultural assets

Guang’an, China –

An international exhibition of thematic performance entitled “The Great Drawing” – in Arabic[t]Ecclesiology: The Convergence of Art with Sanxingdui” will take place on November 16, 2022 at the Sanxingdui Museum.

This press release contains multimedia content. Watch the full announcement here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20221116006125/en/

(Photo: Business Wire)

The Big Draw, UK Arts Charity Launch – Ar[t]Ecclesiology: Art Convergence with Sanxingdui” was hosted by the Szechuan Provincial Culture and Tourism Department, Deyang Municipality, Szechuan Provincial Cultural Heritage Administration and Hong Kong Trade Development Council. The event was co-organized by the Sichuan Provincial Culture and Tourism Information Center, the Sichuan Provincial Academy of Arts and the Administrative Committee of the Museum Sanxingdui It has been supported by the Research Institute of Cultural Property and Archeology of Sichuan Province and the Deyang City Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau.Since the event was launched in June 2022, 33 well-known artists from 22 countries and regions and nearly 2,000 participants from more than 80 schools and universities have participated.

Yan Sashuang, deputy director general of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, presided over the thematic exhibition event. Dai Yunkang, deputy director general of the Public Relations Department of the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, delivered a speech. Dai noted that Sichuan is a well-known tourist destination in China because of its unique culture and ancient Shu culture. This event attracted artists, art lovers and children from all over the world to portray Sanxingdui in their own eyes and breathed new life into cultural relics.

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He Bing, deputy mayor of Deyang Municipality, said that this event greatly promoted the creative heritage of Sanxingdui culture and opened a new chapter in the innovative application of cooperation results.

Jackie Chung, Director of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council for Mainland China, noted that the event is further evidence of the strong cooperation between Sichuan museums, cultural institutions and Hong Kong-funded companies.

Kam Panesar, brand ambassador for The Big Draw in China, said: “The UK’s expertise in museums, galleries, culture and creative tourism is world-class. Working with the Sichuan Interim Bureau of Culture and Tourism is an integral part of the UK’s arts and culture expertise to deliver cultural festivals and a people-focused art both in the UK and in China.”

Sanxingdui Culture and Tourism Development Co., Ltd. BRDGS Partners Group signed an agreement to cooperate in local cultural and creative products.

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Source: Business Wire