July 27, 2024

A new type of Coronavirus has appeared in the United Kingdom

A new type of Coronavirus has appeared in the United Kingdom

An already known virus type from Denmark, Nigeria and the United States is spreading in Great Britain. Scientists from the University of Edinburgh have already tracked 33 cases through December.

B is 1.525 is similar to the South African variant B. 1.351.

According to experts, it is not yet possible to judge whether the variable should be included in the list of “variables of concern” in the United Kingdom and whether a group test should be performed.

Important mutations

Ravi Gupta of the University of Cambridge advises the British government on new and emerging virus threats: Aloud BBC be seen In B the 1,525 “big mutations” were already seen in some of the other new variants.

“This is reassuring in part because we can predict how this is likely to happen.”

The new variant contains a mutation called E484K, which also occurs in variants of Brazil and South Africa and can help the virus bypass some of the body’s defenses (immune escape).

Other changes make it similar to UK variant B 1.1.7, which experts say is more contagious than the original wild-type coronavirus that started the epidemic.

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