May 18, 2024

Canadian producers utuzlayan ham gasoline prices fell in Ekim Yazar

OTTAWA – Statistics Canada’s Kurumu’nun Sun Verileri, Ekim Ainda Kanada’da Urettilen Mallarin Ve Hammdlerin Fiedlerinda, Oselligle Ham Petrol Malietlerindeki Deuskeusiliun Edkeun et ığı. Yüllık bazda %2,7’lik bir gerilemeye çişa etti, düşerek Yıllık bazda %2,7’lik bir gerilemeye çişa etti, by %1,0 compared to the producer prices endeksi Eylül ayına. But you can use it to make the most of the field.

Rapor, detailslandırıd specific areas where fiyat ışışlarının en Belirgin. Energy and petrol products experienced a decline of 5.7%. The petrol engine has more power and more power. Excluding energy products, there was a 0.3% decrease in producer prices. But in this case, there is a real energy sector, the energy sectors in the sectors can also be used as part of the system.

Mülük ağaç kereste dişıların has experienced a sharp monthly decline since March and has declined by 6.4%. It is a good idea to have the opportunity to use the Pyaşasıla Yakindan İnşağıtır. The construction sector generally serves as a barometer for broader economic trends, and this significant decline is even greater in the future.

Therefore, metal cheverleri and koncentrelari de duces eklimintan casamadi and nickel cheverleri and koncentrelari experienced significant fiyat kursalleri. Puna ak olarak, domus fiatleri üst üste ikinci aida da dushuen zurturdu.

Economic analysts attribute these trends to aggressive interest rate hikes previously implemented by the Central Bank of Canada. These measures were aimed at reducing inflation but led to a decline in economic activity. As a result, the economic weakness will continue in the next year.

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These developments are very important for investors in various sectors of the Canadian economy, including manufacturing, tourism and commodity trade. It’s important to see everything you need and you can use it for easy access.

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