April 29, 2024

Science and Technology: Whatsapp is expanding its features

Science and Technology: Whatsapp is expanding its features

The WhatsApp logo appears on the mobile phone screen

At some point the next time you open it, emoji reactions, file size extensions, and group should have made its way to the smartphone. Photo: Laura Ludwig / dpa-tmn

(Photo: dpa)

In addition, Whatsapp has a potential total size of 2 GB of files that can be sent in a single message According to the company, emoji reactions are useful for “reacting to messages quickly and with humor without contributing to information overload.” Messenger competitors like Signal have always offered emoji reactions as an advantage.

Now also send giant files

Whatsapp has also increased the potential total size of files that can be sent in a single message to 2 GB (2048 MB). So far, the limit was only 100 megabytes.

The counter with transmission time remaining for upload or download is also new. In the case of very large files, users should make sure that they are connected to a WLAN.

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More than 500 people in one group

The third and final innovation of Whatsapp is the gradual expansion of the maximum number of participants in groups – up to 512 people.

Whatsapp has started distributing the three new features. However, they do not come all at once, but gradually reach the users.

Message in Whatsapp Blog