July 27, 2024

Sunburn Treatment: Best Natural Home Remedies

Sunburn Treatment: Best Natural Home Remedies

What to do if you get sunburned Instead of using expensive after-sun products, you can also treat sunburn with home remedies. We’ll show you what helps.

First aid for sunburn: what to do?

If you spend a lot of time in the sun or are not well protected, you can get a sunburn. At the first signs of skin redness, you should go into the shade and cool the skin first with some water between 15-20°C. The best way to do this is to use wet cotton towels that you can reuse. To support skin regeneration in the next few days and to relieve sunburn, there are several suitable home remedies – we will show you any of them.

NB: All of the mentioned home remedies are only suitable for mild sunburn (1st degree: redness, burning, itching). We advise against self-treatment once bubbles form. You should then definitely seek medical advice.

Treatment of sunburn on the face with aloe vera

For example, you can treat sunburn with aloe vera.
(Photo: CC0/Pixabay/marcegaral)

The aloe vera plant is the classic home remedy for sunburn. If you have such a plant at home, you can cut a piece of it, cut it in half and carefully spread the jelly-like liquid on the sunburn. Cactus gel It is colorless and has a pleasant smell and is therefore particularly suitable for use on the face. Aloe vera is known to be a moisturizer and has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. This allows your skin to recover quickly from a sunburn.

HintYou can also buy aloe vera gel without plants, for example at ** Avocadostor.

Nourishing home remedies for sunburnوق

Apple cider vinegar is a proven home remedy for sunburn.
Apple cider vinegar is a proven home remedy for sunburn.
(Photo: CC0/Pixabay/wicherek)

What to do if aloe vera cream is too mild against sunburn for you? if you can Coconut Oil to seize. The Submitted The skin is also rich in nutrients like Vitamin E and thus helps it regenerate after sunburn. It is also anti-inflammatory and cools the skin slightly. On warm days, the coconut oil in the cup is already liquid, otherwise you have to hold the glass briefly under hot water, because the oil begins to melt from 23 degrees.

Organic apple cider vinegar is another alternative for treating sunburn. Acetic acid acts against infections, is a little antiseptic and relieves any itching. However, you should never use apple cider vinegar to open pimples and use it only diluted. A mixture of 50:50 with water is ideal.

Quark and yogurt cool and moisturize the skin

Dairy products such as cheese and Yogurt They are also good home remedies for sunburn. It gives the skin plenty of moisture and cools it down. It is controversial whether milk fat and lactic acid have an additional therapeutic effect. You should not spread quark or yogurt directly on the burned skin, but rather spread yogurt or milk Make curd rolls. This way you don’t irritate the skin unnecessarily. Leave the wraps for about half an hour.

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English version available: Home Remedies for Sunburn: 3 Natural Remedies

Please read Notice regarding health issues.

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Tags: Beauty know how high maintenance Sun protection