July 27, 2024

State Parliament: Gemco: Saxony must become a beacon of science

State Parliament: Gemco: Saxony must become a beacon of science

Saxony He wants to better demonstrate his scientific potential. All considerations, measures and investments are aimed at “transforming the Free State from today’s hidden hero into a European beacon of science with appeal far beyond its borders,” Science Minister Sebastian Gemko (CDU) said in the state parliament on Wednesday. This will make Saxony more attractive for skilled workers and top academics.

In a government announcement, Gemco presented essential measures for the further development of Saxony as a location for research and science. That’s why you need future-proof structures. One of the building blocks is the expanded structure of the university system. In addition to the universities, colleges and art colleges, the system will stand on another strong pillar of the future – the Saxony State Cooperative University. Through the corresponding transfer to the Vocational Academy, the state of Saxony responds to the need for skilled workers.

According to the minister, the state of Saxony wants to enable flexible educational paths and promote learning success through digitalization in study and teaching. Universities should act as a catalyst for the regional economy. Incentives and structures must be created that increase the exchange between research and practice. It is also important to translate research findings into marketable products and services more quickly. Another focus is on further developing non-university research.

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