July 27, 2024

New Institute of Christian Images

New Institute of Christian Images

The art collections of the Diocese of Regensburg are known for excellent exhibitions and large-scale research projects. Now an ambitious new project is in the offing: the Institute of Christian Images, a research and specialty center for religious folk art and Christian visual communication of the faith.

Maria Baumann, Head of the Department of Arts and Monuments Conservation, stresses the importance of the institute Interview with the Diocesan Portal“Our concern is to protect the treasures of religious folk art as evidence of identity and cultural origins from being forgotten,” she says, emphasizing how the collection “covers the scope and wealth of customs and their craftsmanship.”

The Institute not only follows a scientific approach, but also assumes a pastoral role in effectively spreading the faith. The institute “forms a direct relationship with the collection of artistic and cultural history of the diocese and can be researched in an interdisciplinary way,” explains Baumann.

The project will be implemented in the Old Town of Regensburg, in a monument currently being renovated by the cathedral branch. “The building of historical value was last comprehensively renovated in the 1970s. It is scheduled to open in 2026,” continues Baumann. Funding for the project is secured: in addition to church tax revenues, private financing and donations are also expected.

“By establishing the institute, we are laying an important foundation for preserving our cultural and religious heritage for the future,” Baumann concludes in an interview with Jacob Schütz from the Diocese of Regensburg.

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