July 27, 2024

King Charles III under close watch – Opinion

King Charles III under close watch – Opinion

Signing documents is one of the main duties of the king; But this is easier said than done, Charles III. He was noted in his early days as a king. Upon his announcement, he had already had a problem with the inks that vexed him, and on Tuesday, when he was due to sign the visitor’s book at Hillsborough Castle in Northern Ireland, the fountain pen ran out. His wife Camilla said, “Look, it goes everywhere, I hate this, I can’t stand this damn thing…every time!” You know this because a video was released in the evening where you can hear every word said in the room.

It can also be heard that Charles got the date wrong at first. He asks in the video “Today is the twelfth, isn’t it?” No, replied one of his teammates, it’s the thirteenth, “Oh no,” Charles says, “and then I wrote the wrong date.” Hence Camilla adds: “I already wrote the 12th day earlier.” Ordinary sights, often already experienced. Wrong date, ballpoint pen expiration? cursed!

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The Queen showed almost no emotion. But she wasn’t under constant media surveillance either

But Charles is not only the new British monarch, he is also the heir to a woman whose outstanding quality for 70 years has shown almost no affection in public. That wasn’t always a strength. It is now said that the Queen would not have happened like this. Didn’t Charles already have a reputation as a prince for being overly sentimental? Aren’t there all these stories from former employees of him, this unworldly man being taken care of by servants who don’t even put his toothpaste on?

There are many examples of how harsh expectations and the associated pressure can be on public figures in the UK. However, the fact that the kingdom is now dealing with expired stuffing is also an expression of the emotional mix that is prevalent in the country these days. Mourning for the queen, rejoicing at the king, doubts about the monarchy, anger at the king, anxious look at the next electric bill: everything mixed with everything else.

The state of emergency lasts twelve days, during which every word of the 73-year-old king is documented, published, and shared. He’s been able to prepare for that for a long time, which is why you don’t have to feel sorry for him now. Expired ink pens are not good enough to assess his ability as a new king or even the importance of the monarchy as such. Could this not have happened to the Queen? The fact is also that during the seventy years of her reign, such documentation of her performance in film and sound would have been unimaginable.

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