July 27, 2024

India returns illegal immigrants to the UK to obtain visas for young workers

India returns illegal immigrants to the UK to obtain visas for young workers

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson meets Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a bilateral meeting during the G7 summit on August 25, 2019 in Biarritz, France. Jeff J Mitchell / Paul via Reuters

The UK and India signed the Immigration and Mobility Agreement on Tuesday to deepen economic, cultural and other ties after the UK left the European Union, an Indian foreign ministry official said.

Sandeep Chakravorty said at a press conference that the deal will provide improved job opportunities for 3,000 young Indian professionals annually in exchange for India’s deal to repatriate one of its citizens illegally residing in the UK.

The migration deal comes after the two countries announced an investment of 1 billion pounds ($ 1.39 billion) in the private sector. Talks about a full-fledged trade deal are set to begin in the fall. Read on

“It is our official duty to return Indian citizens who do not have documents or who are abroad in need and who have not been granted citizenship or residence permits,” Chakravorty said.

The UK Home Office said in a statement that the deal aims to “attract the best, the smartest and assist those who come to the UK through legal means, while stopping abuse of the system and speeding up the removal of those who do not have the system.” To be correct. ” in the UK”.

Immigration has always been a point of contention between the two countries, and a similar proposal collapsed in 2018 due to differences.

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At the time, London claimed as many as 100,000 Indians were living illegally in the UK, although New Delhi denied this number.

Tens of thousands of Indians study in the UK every year, and New Delhi complains about the lack of job opportunities available to them after graduation.

Earlier Tuesday, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi put pressure on his British counterpart Boris Johnson during phone conversations over the placement of two refugee money tycoons, Vijay Malia and Nirav Modi, who are wanted by New Delhi on fraud charges and are believed to be involved. in the UK.

Chakravorty added that Johnson said he faced some “legal hurdles” but was determined to hand them over to India as soon as possible.

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