July 27, 2024

He was noticed by MI5 as a “person of interest”: the hostage-taker in a synagogue in the United States was known to intelligence and politics

He was noticed by MI5 as a “person of interest”: the hostage-taker in a synagogue in the United States was known to intelligence and politics

It is said that the hostage-taker in a synagogue in the US state of Texas was aware of British intelligence. MI5 Spotted Blackburn Man in 2020 BBC mentioned and the Palestinian News Agency on Tuesday. At the time he left for the United States, the 44-year-old was not under surveillance or classified as a danger. Reports said it was still not clear how the convicted man was able to fly to the United States.

The Briton was killed by the FBI on Saturday at a synagogue in Colleville, near Dallas. The four hostages were released unharmed. Two teenagers remain in custody in the UK in connection with the case.

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Malik Faisal A was designated a ‘Subject of Interest’ (SOI) by MI5 in 2020, the BBC and the Palestinian Authority reported. In 2021 his grade was demoted.

His family was “totally devastated” in a now-deleted statement carried by the BBC. Owner Faisal A. He suffers from mental problems. British Home Secretary Priti Patel said in Parliament on Monday that protection for Jewish institutions in the UK would be increased in response to the attack. (dpa)

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