July 27, 2024

Formation of a government in Israel – the opposition forms a new government coalition without Netanyahu

Formation of a government in Israel – the opposition forms a new government coalition without Netanyahu

  • In Israel, former opposition leader Jair Lapid formed an alliance with eight parties to form a new government coalition.
  • Naftali Bennett, head of the far-right Jamina party, is set to become prime minister for two years – Jair Lapid succeeded him for another two years.
  • If the new government coalition is confirmed and sworn in in the Knesset, Benjamin Netanyahu’s reign as prime minister will end for now.

The presidential office announced Wednesday evening that opposition leader Jair Lapid told President Reuven Rivlin that he had obtained a majority in Parliament and that he could form a new government.

About an hour before the usual deadline for forming a government expired, Lapid managed to put together a coalition of very contrasting partners. The deadline to form a government had expired at midnight local time (11pm CEST), otherwise new elections had to be held again.

An alliance of eight parties

Lapid is counting on his party’s future alliance with a total of seven small parties from all walks of the political spectrum. The common denominator between them is the rejection of the current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. However, the political goals of the parties vary widely.

Naftali Bennett’s far-right party “Jamena” will be an important part of Lapid’s coalition. After the March 23 elections, he was considered to be tipping the scales. Lapid and Bennett agreed to alternate the position of prime minister. According to the coalition agreement, former Defense Minister Bennett is scheduled to become prime minister for a term of two years, to be replaced by Lapid on August 27, 2023. Initially, Lapid should take the position of foreign minister.

Negotiations until the last minute

Until the last moment, there were violent differences of opinion between the eight different alliance partners. Negotiations continued until shortly before the agreement’s deadline.

Arab Arab Party leader Mansour Abbas signed the coalition agreement shortly before the deadline. Abbas said he was the last to sign.

The following are members of the new government coalition in Israel eight partiesThe link opens in a new window:

  • The Future Party, Yesh Atid, by Jair Lapid (Foreign Minister-designate).
  • Far-right Jamina with Naftali Bennett and Ayelet Shaked (Interior Minister).
  • Center Party Blau-Weiss by Benny Gantz (Defense Minister).
  • The left-wing Meretz party led by Nitzan Horowitz (Minister of Health).
  • Left Labor Party led by Merav Michaeli (Minister of Transport).
  • The new hope with Gideon Sa’ar (Minister of Justice).
  • Nationalist Yisrael Beitenu to former Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman (Finance Minister).
  • And for the first time in an Israeli government – the Arab Party with Mansour Abbas.