July 27, 2024

Decoded: Mysterious Black Holes – The Science Spectrum

Decoded: Mysterious Black Holes – The Science Spectrum

Video series: “Disassembled”

What exactly is a virus? How do machines learn? And what happens in a black hole? In our “Scientific American” and “Spectrum der Wissenschaft” video series we decode essential questions from research and science.

See the English version at “Scientific American”.

Stephen Hawking predicted that black holes emit particles randomly. As a result, they slowly evaporate until they disappear after billions of years. But what happens to the things you get into? Does emitted Hawking radiation contain quantum information? Or are things transferred to another universe?

There are two disciplines searching for answers: Astronomy studies whether black holes contain information about the origin of the universe. And in quantum mechanics, information can never be lost.

New technologies are increasing the visibility of black holes: researchers measure gravitational waves from colliding black holes, take pictures of them in distant galaxies, and study nearby stars. These discoveries help to understand what lies beyond the event horizon. They challenge us to continue researching how our world works.

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