July 27, 2024

CDU After State Election: Table Fireworks Instead of Rockets

CDU After State Election: Table Fireworks Instead of Rockets

NNothing like getting out of here! Let’s move away from the state elections in Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate, in which the CDU performed very poorly. Armin Laschet stands on the podium in the foyer of Konrad-Adenauer-Haus in Berlin on Monday afternoon and wants to go further.

Hurry: Civil courtesy is a must. So the president of the CDU congratulates the winners, Greens Winfried Kretschman and Social Democrat Malo Dreer. The result was disappointing for the CDU, but in times of crisis, the prime minister always has an official bonus. In order not to leave his people in Baden-Württemberg, which is so important to the CDU, without a donation, Laschet says that a successful prime minister like Kretschman “collects the points” brought by “the junior partner in the coalition”. So that’s what’s left of the very proud CDU Southwestern University.

Lachette, for whom it was his first election since he was president of the CDU with ambitions to run for chancellor, collects everything that can be found positive. It is reported that according to the situation at lunchtime on Monday, the CDU will be the strongest force in the local elections in Hesse, which also took place on Sunday. Then he deals with an issue that bothered the Union not long ago. If he manages to get anything positive from the election, that will be the diminution of approval for right-wing populists. “The alternative for Germany is in retreat,” says Laschet, by mixing two pictures in two languages.

Laschet is also trying to turn the mask issue – that is, the allegations against union members in the Bundestag, that they received six-figure kickbacks to mediate mask business, by indicating how quickly the CDU reacted. “I hardly remember an affair in the history of the past few decades, where the person in question resigned from the mandate within 48 hours, leaving the parliamentary group and leaving the party.” This could only refer to CDU member Nicholas Lobel, who thus acted. CSU man George Nüßlein still refuses to give up his mandate.