July 27, 2024

Biden gives 0 million to Afghan refugees

Biden gives $100 million to Afghan refugees

The White House said Friday (local time) in a letter from the White House that funds from the emergency fund should be used to meet the “unexpectedly urgent needs” of people at risk due to the situation in the country. The money will also benefit Afghan aid workers who have supported the US military on the ground and have applied for special immigrant visas to the United States.

Despite the Taliban’s advances, Biden announced that the Afghanistan mission would end on August 31 – after nearly 20 years. Then only American soldiers should remain to protect the embassy in Afghanistan. Many Afghans who worked with the United States during the deployment, such as interpreters, can apply for special immigrant visas to the United States. According to experts, the aides are facing reprisals from the hardline Islamist Taliban movement after the withdrawal of forces.

The US State Department announced this week that a number of local aid workers from Afghanistan will be initially housed at a military base in the US state of Virginia. These are the people who have undergone a special security screening and are particularly advanced in the application process for a corresponding US visa. The first resettlement operations are due to begin at the end of July, so about 2,500 assistants including their family members are eligible.

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