July 27, 2024

An interview with Samira Al-Wasail about novels and science

An interview with Samira Al-Wasail about novels and science

Samira Lusail, born in Munich in 1984 to a Moroccan father and a German-American father, is a writer, actress and musician. She recently published (with Friedman Carriage) Olstein’s book Narrative Monkeys.
Photo: Thomas Dachober

David vs. Goliath, Gaul vs. Romans, Good vs. Evil: We all think about narratives, says publicist Samira Al-Wasail. A conversation about the power of narrative and the importance of science.

Mrs. Al-Wasail, when you ask who you are, what do you say?

You immediately begin with an existential – philosophical question! There is no correct answer to that. You just answer the question: What are you? So: what do I do? Which group do I belong to?

Well what are you

At the moment I say: propaganda.

Why not be a journalist? You write regularly for Spiegel online and the media criticism portal Übermedien.

I am honored to have an opinion column there. In it I express, somewhat aesthetically, a personal feeling about the world, and sometimes I dare to approach a current or social analysis. For me, this is not a journalistic job yet.

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