May 15, 2024

Types of Kisses These six kisses hit us close to home


Whether it's an air kiss, a French kiss, or somewhere in between: life is full of kisses and kisses.

1. The first kiss

Sometimes beautiful, always something special. Was everything better before, including the first kiss? Ten years ago, 10vor10 investigated this question.

An 83-year-old and a 21-year-old discuss the pros and cons of their time. The debate about inequality of freedom between men and women has become heated.

2. Air kiss: rules of greeting etiquette

It seems innocuous, but soon leaves you hanging in the air: a kiss of greeting. Anyone who can no longer avoid these three steps after the pandemic can find advice from the SRF guide.

There are also regional differences to take into account: in Paris there are four kisses, and in cold Germany there are only two. But the following applies to all of them: the slap remains symbolic – avoid contact at all costs.

3. French Kiss, also known as Bacteria Bacio

Anyone who has now developed a germaphobia should not read further. A French kiss not only exchanges fluids, but also a variety of bacteria — 80 million bacteria, to be exact. The good thing is that such germy kisses strengthen the immune system.

4. The cinematic kiss

From Titanic to Brokeback Mountain, kisses don't have to be homemade to move us. Ever since Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet sensually embraced each other on the bow of the Titanic, no ship's bow has been safe from couples' selfies. Spider-Man's upside-down kiss in the rain was perhaps less imitated.

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Also in the new series The 1917 Davos Conference is marked by cinematic – and not least disastrous – kisses.

5. The political kiss

Greeting kisses become especially annoying when they come unexpectedly and in such a formal setting that only a good face can prevent evil behavior. This is what happened in 2015, when then-President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, kissed then-Federal Chancellor Simonetta Sommaruga.

The photo gallery shows: This was not the first embrace attack by Luxembourg.

6. The skillful kiss

Aesthetic kisses are also a theme in art. If you want to subtly change the subject on your next date, find inspiration in this article. In art, even Jupiter turned into a cloud of smoke can kiss.