April 24, 2024

Schwaches Erdbeben Stärke 3.0 - 5.1 km nördlich von Pāhala, Hawaii County, USA, am Freitag, 20. Aug 2021 um 00:39 Lokalzeit

Weak earthquake, magnitude 3.0 – 5.1 km north of Pahala, Hawaii County, USA, on Friday, August 20, 2021 12:39 am local time / VolcanoDiscovery

Updated: Aug 20 2021, 11:04 GMT –

earthquake data:

I felt it!

I didn’t feel it.

Date and time: August 20, 2021 10:39:52 UTC –
Local time in the epicenter: Fri Aug 20 2021 12:39 AM (GMT -10)
Size: 3

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Earthquake depth: 32.0 km
The epicenter geogr. wide length: 19.24683°N / 155,466°W (Hawaii, Hawaii, United States)
Seismic opposite pole: 19247°S/24.534°E
Nearest volcano: Kilauea (26 km / 16 mi)
Nearby places and cities:
5 km northeast of bahala (pop: 1360) -> earthquake is near!
33 km southwest volcano village (bang: 2580) -> earthquake is near!
37 km from ENE Hawaii ocean view (bang: 4,440) -> earthquake is near!
48 km from ESE Hononau Nabobo (bang: 2570) -> earthquake is near!
51 km southwest Mountain View (pop: 3920) -> earthquakes nearby!
64 km southwest Hawaii Paradise Park (County of Hawaii) (bang: 11400) -> earthquake is near!
67 km southwest Hello (pop number: 43300) -> earthquake is near!
71 km southeast Kailua-Kona (County of Hawaii) (pop count: 12000) -> earthquakes nearby!
327 km southeast East Honolulu (pop: 49900) -> earthquake is near!
339 km southeast Honolulu (pop: 371700) -> Near earthquake!

Weather in the epicenter at the time of the earthquake:
a clear sky 19.1 °C (66 F), humidity: 49%, wind: 3 m/s (6 knots) from the northeast

Primary data source: USGS (US Geological Survey)

Rated earthquake energy: 2×109 Joules (554 kWh, equivalent to 0.477 tons of TNT) Mehr Infos

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Compare earthquake data from different agencies

Tip: The more different agencies report the same earthquake, the more reliable the data and the more accurate one can derive the average value for the magnitude, depth, etc. It usually takes a few hours for the seismic data to be accurately assessed and for the information to be of reliable accuracy. This often causes the volume and other data to correct up or down over and over again in the first few hours.

succumb to Depth your location these
3.0 32 km 5 km northeast of Pahala, Hawaii USGS
3.0 32 km Hawaii Island, Hawaii EMSC

Previous earthquakes in the same area

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