April 24, 2024

Sarah Pinkath, Director of Destiny and Metabolism, Harrogate, UK (Photo: Business Wire)

Smithers has announced the appointment of Director of Fate & Metabolism UK, Environmental Risk Sciences

Harrogate, United Kingdom

Smithers, a leading provider of testing, advisory, information and compliance services, has announced the appointment of Sarah Pinketh as Director of Fate and Metabolic Management in its Harrogate, UK office.

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Sarah Pinkath, Director of Destiny and Metabolism, Harrogate, UK (Photo: Business Wire)

As a manager of ecological fate And Metabolism Teams, Sara will provide scientific direction and management, working with clients and colleagues around the world while ensuring compliance with technical objectives, quality assurance and financial performance. Her team focuses on contract studies from testing to analysis, evaluation and reporting to achieve high standards of data quality and reliability.

“We are delighted to have Sarah on our team. Her deep knowledge of environmental and metabolic behavior, leadership skills, and passion for motivating teams will ensure testing objectives and quality standards,” said Sharon Swales, Managing Director of Environmental Risk Science at Smithers.

“Sarah’s experience will enable her to expertly guide our structured audit services and ensure that we continue to provide accurate data on time and with great care,” said Susan Shepherd, Head of Environmental Risk Science at Smithers. Your understanding of security checks, Risk assessment Regulatory requirements for agrochemicals, chemicals and pharmaceuticals will help in strengthening relationships with customers and increasing confidence in the services provided in the business sector related to environmental behavior and metabolism.”

Sarah received her MSc in Analytical and Instrumentation Chemistry from Loughborough University of Technology after obtaining her BSc in Chemistry (University of Newcastle upon Tyne). Since then she has had increasingly responsible assignments in the areas of environmental behaviour, animal metabolism And Waste InvestigationsSupporting and motivating team members as well as managing business operations.

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For more information on Smithers, see https://www.smithers.com/

About Smithers:

Smithers was founded in 1925 and is headquartered in Akron, Ohio. The company is a multinational provider of audit, advisory, information and compliance services. With laboratories and offices in North America, Europe and Asia, Smithers serves customers in the transportation, life sciences, packaging, materials and components, consumer goods, dry products and energy sectors. Smithers delivers accurate, real-time, identifiable data by integrating scientific, technical and business expertise so customers can innovate with confidence.

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