April 25, 2024

Regensburg expert: This is how advisor commissions hurt investors – Economy Ostbayern-Nachrichten

by Bernard Fleischmann

May 15, 2023
At 17:00

Regensburg, city.In Germany, financial advisors usually receive their money from providers of financial products. The client just thinks that the consultation is free. As a result, quality suffers, as a Regensburg expert explained in a study – and calculated how much better the outcome would be for the customer if they paid a direct fee.

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See also  Qatar's Role in the Afghan Conflict: Where the Taliban Leader Negotiates - Politics

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See also  Fishing: European Union countries agree on temporary fishing quotas - the economy

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See also  Wildlife Photographer of the Year Awards: Best Nature and Wildlife Photographs of 2022

### ######### ######


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