April 24, 2024

New feature of Instagram DMs: Share your chat activity

New feature of Instagram DMs: Share your chat activity

So far, Instagram users can only participate in direct messages whether they’re online – but not exactly what they spend their time with. A new feature could change that soon.

Instagram has all kinds of updates ready for users this month – including all-new Repost tab to reshare the feedIt is now available to first users as part of a test. In addition, the platform has a new guide How to create effective ads for reels Launched. Another feature that is currently in the starting blocks is related to Instagram DMs: users may soon be able to share their current chat activity here.

View reels in chat and share other activities

apartment Researcher Hammoud Oh shares a screenshot of the new feature on Twitter. This indicates that users can activate the Share Chat Activity option in the chat settings. This allows users to let their chat partners know what activity they are currently doing – for example, watching reels. There is no specific information about the feature yet. However, it can be assumed that the option is limited to activities within the chat – such as viewing a reel that was last sent to the user.

Share Chat Activity is the third and most detailed option to date for sharing your activity status with other users. Instagram users can already know when their contacts are online on the platform. The prerequisite for being able to see the status of friends and other chat partners is that you have activated the activity status view yourself. It is also possible to see when a person is active in the same chat, as long as both users have the feature enabled.

Also new in DMs: Store functionality, emoji bar and new category

New Activity Status isn’t the only update for Instagram DMs: platform launched in July 2022 Many shopping functions, which can turn direct messages into a tool for customer service. In addition, the platform wants the option to respond to direct messages with different emoji, Release soon to all users. New folder category for business accounts It also provides a better overview. WhatsApp is also currently doing one exciting test New feature for chat area.

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