April 26, 2024

Schwaches Erdbeben Stärke 2.7 - Östliches Mittelmeer, Vereinigtes Königreich, 7.3 km südlich von Limassol, Zypern, am Sonntag, 25. Sep 2022 um 09:16 Lokalzeit

Magnitude 2.7 earthquake – Eastern Mediterranean, UK, 7.3 km south of Limassol, Cyprus, on Sunday 25 September 2022 at 09:16 local time

Magnitude 2.7 earthquake - Eastern Mediterranean, UK, 7.3 km south of Limassol, Cyprus, on Sunday 25 September 2022 at 09:16 local time

A small earthquake of magnitude 2.7, at a depth of 9 km

September 25 12:22 UTC: First message: EMSC after 6 hours.

Updated Sunday, September 25, 2022, 6:33

A 2.4-magnitude earthquake northwest of Limassol (Limesos) in Cyprus

Small earthquake of magnitude 2.4 - 11 km north of Limassol, Lemesos, Cyprus, on Sunday 25 September 2022 at 09:16 local time

Small earthquake of magnitude 2.4 – 11 km north of Limassol, Lemesos, Cyprus, on Sunday 25 September 2022 at 09:16 local time

According to RaspberryShake’s Citizen Seismic Network, a 2.4-magnitude earthquake occurred just 16 minutes ago near Limassol (Lemesos), Cyprus. According to the institute, which is the main national agency for seismic activity in this region, the earthquake occurred on Sunday 25 September 2022 at 09:16 am local time at a very shallow depth of 5 km below the epicenter. . The magnitude, exact location of the epicenter and earthquake depth could still be corrected over the next few hours as seismologists manually evaluate the data and refine their calculations.
Some places near the epicenter where the earthquake may have been felt based on initial estimates are Spitali (200 points 2 km away, very slight shaking to be expected), Pano Polemidhia (3800 points 8 km, strong shaking), Ýpsonas (pop. 7300 at 10 km, very slight shaking) and Limassol (population 154,000 at 11 km, very slight shaking). In Mouttagiaka (population 2,800, population 12 km), Erimi (population 1,500, 13 km), Kolossi (population 3800, 13 km), Sotira (population 4,400, 14 km), Parekklisha (population 1,400, 15 km) and Nicosia ( 200,500 inhabitants, 56 km) The earthquake may not have been felt.

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If you do not feel the earthquake Although you are in the area, Please report it! Your contribution is valuable to seismic science, seismic risk analysis, and mitigation efforts. You can use your device’s location or a map to indicate where you are during the earthquake. Thank you!