April 25, 2024

Graphical comparison of UE5 display with the original movie

Graphical comparison of UE5 display with the original movie

From Oliver Hunter
Youtuber “Cycu1” has posted a video in which some scenes from the reality presentation The Matrix Awakens: An Unreal Engine 5 Experience are compared with the same scenes from the original movie The Matrix. The comparison shows how realistic the demo presentation is in reality.

Last week, the official release of The Matrix Awakens: Experience Unreal Engine 5 was released for Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. This is a real-time tech demo from Epic Games, which is supposed to show what Unreal Engine 5 can do on consoles. level of realistic perception. To prove how realistic the demo is, YouTuber “Cycu1” has one Short video It was uploaded to the platform, which compares the graphics of recreated scenes from the original movie in The Matrix Awakens with the scenes filmed.

Ultra-realistic representations using Unreal Engine 5

The comparison video shows how close the real-time technology demo with Unreal Engine 5 is to the original scenes from the first The Matrix movie. 3D models of the main characters, Lumen lighting system and Nanite display technology do the rest and ensure a realistic representation of movie scenes from The Matrix. The Matrix Awakens: An Unreal Engine 5 Experience confirms the Matrix trilogy’s mantra that reality and illusion are indistinguishable from one another – perhaps in the spirit of the filmmakers.

More on this topic: The Matrix Awakens with UE5: 35,000 Infantry, 7,000 Buildings, no game

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As realistic and impressive as the demo may be, it has caused some confusion among fans as the project has not yet been released on PC. Some Reddit users asked about this Speculation about the background employment. On the other hand, this modification was supposed to prevent the demo. On the other hand, users threw in the room that Epic Games could have an exclusive contract with Microsoft and Sony to promote their consoles. However, it seems most likely it is the assumption of fluctuating performance on the PC, which in turn can be modified to suit consoles.

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