April 24, 2024

Gemeldetes (unbestätigtes) Erdbeben: Anoka County, 22 km nördlich von Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, USA, am Donnerstag,  5. Aug 2021 um 19:55 Lokalzeit

Earthquake reported (unconfirmed): Anoka County, 14 miles north of St. Paul, Ramsay County, MN, USA, on Thursday, August 5, 2021 at 7:55 p.m. local time

Our seismographer received reports of tremors that may have been caused by an earthquake that may have occurred near Circle Pines, Minnesota at approximately 12:55 GMT. As long as there is no official data confirming that this event is an earthquake, there is still speculation as to whether the earthquake actually occurred.

6. August 01:01 UTC: First message: VolcanoDiscovery after 6 minutes.

Compare earthquake data from different agencies

Tip: The more different agencies report the same earthquake, the more reliable the data and the more accurate one can derive the average value for magnitude, depth, etc. It usually takes a few hours for the seismic data to be accurately assessed and for the information to be of reliable accuracy. This often causes the volume and other data to correct up or down over and over again in the first few hours.

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Leno Lakes, Minnesota, Anoka County (3.2 km from the epicenter) [Map] Weak shaking (MMI III) : The city house shook for a very short time

Lino Lakes, Minnesota (0 km west of the epicenter) [Map] / Very weak shaking (MMI II) / Horizontal swing (sideways) / 1-2 seconds : Back and forth shaking the whole house

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