April 25, 2024

CoD Warzone blocks 60,000 cheaters, and wants to improve its anti-cheat

CoD Warzone blocks 60,000 cheaters, and wants to improve its anti-cheat

After recent criticism of cheaters and countermeasures War zone Call of Duty released a final statement. Concrete block numbers and current measures and plans are reported to further improve the anti-fraud system.

This topic provides a steady loop for discussion: There seems to be nothing more interested in the CoD community lately than that Cheating – a problem. Reddit and social media are full of it, and many banners and YouTubers continue to discuss the topic, Some even stopped because of it. Key takeaway: CoD Warzone is full of cheaters and not enough has been done about it, and they are not communicating with them.

Even the cheaters and hackers themselves repeatedly show how to cheat without ever being sued. – Or hardly.

Several players finally wanted a response from Call of Duty or Activision. That came now – in the form of a new wave of bans and a statement.

Cheaters are a big problem in CoD Warzone.

Call of Duty has already done this against cheaters

As the CoD team has declared, they have zero tolerance for cheaters in Warzone or Call of Duty in general. That is why it conflicts with the cheaters themselves, But also against fraud and hacker service providers To tackle the problem at its root.

This is the latest measure against cheaters: So they’ve now used the blocker hammer again and blocked 60,000 accounts in a new wave that has been proven to have used Warzone’s cheats.

Since its launch, it has now imposed more than 300,000 permaban worldwide.

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This has been done since launch:

  • Weekly background security updates
  • Improved reporting mechanism in the game
  • Two-factor authentication Added 180,000 paralyzed suspicious accounts
  • Several cheat software providers have been “shut down”
  • Teams are expanded and resources increased for the different teams participating

Call of Duty wants to get better against cheaters here

This is how you want to improve your anti-fraud measures even further: The following areas / aspects will be strengthened and expanded:

  • The internal anti-fraud program will be improved
  • Additional recognition technology
  • Additional resources for criminal surveillance and enforcement
  • Updates on the progress of the battle against cheaters should be sent regularly; There should be at least one update every month. In addition, there should be more dialogue.
  • No tolerance for fraud service providers
  • Timely and consistent bans

Security and enforcement teams also planned additional countermeasures this year to eliminate both cheaters and vendors. Resources for this will continue to be made available 24/7. Incidentally, this applies not only to Warzone, but also to CoD Modern Warfare and Black Ops.

What do you think about this ad? Can you live with it or is this still not enough for you? What specific measures would you like in addition to the ones that have already been reported? Let us and other MeinMMO readers know in the comments.