April 16, 2024

Academy Day in Innsbruck - University of Innsbruck

Academy Day in Innsbruck – University of Innsbruck

From left: Quantum physicist Rainer Platt, Mayor George Wylie, OeAW class chair of mathematics and natural sciences George Brassor, historian and OeAW member Brigitte Mazul, demographer Wolfgang Lutz, Young Academy member Christina Stoekel, ice researcher Andrea Fischer and IGF Director Margaret Keeler

The Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) celebrates its 175th anniversary this year. Two of the Academy’s 25 research institutes are located in Innsbruck and are closely linked to the University of Innsbruck. They dedicate themselves to quantum physics as an important future field and to interdisciplinary mountain research.

On “Academy Day” on June 16 at Haus der Musik, these questions were Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain Research (IGF) and the Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) For the Tyrolean audience. Honorary historian Brigitte Mazul and Young Academy member Christina Stockel of the Institute of Sociology tell more about the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Young Academy. In the presence of Mayor George Willy, Vienna demographer Wolfgang Lutz explained how demography has changed our lives, our country and our planet.

Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)

Founded in 1847 as a 40-member council Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) Today it is the Central Austrian Institution for Non-University Science and Research. About 1,800 employees and 775 members work in the 25 institutes of the Academy (2 of them in Innsbruck), on 17 committees and on projects, platforms, committees and other units of the Academy to pursue new ideas and acquire and impart new knowledge. New knowledge in the exchange between science and the public. On behalf of the Republic of Austria, the Academy has fulfilled its mission of “promoting science in all respects” in a variety of ways over 175 years. Thus they make important contributions to progress within science and society as a whole.

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