April 24, 2024

3.6 magnitude earthquake

3.6 magnitude earthquake

A magnitude 3.6 earthquake 1.5 km deep

Apr 03:54 UTC: First message: USGS 3 minutes later.
Apr 3 09:58: Size 3.7 to 3.6 recalculated.

Updated Sunday, 3 April 2022, 10:06 AM

A magnitude 3.6 earthquake shakes northeast of Barstow, California.

3.6 magnitude earthquake - 16 km north of Barstow, California, in San Bernardino County, California, USA on Sunday, April 3, 2022 at 2:51 AM local time

3.6 magnitude earthquake – 16 km north of Barstow, California, in San Bernardino County, California, USA on Sunday, April 3, 2022 at 2:51 AM local time

A magnitude 3.6 earthquake shakes California today. According to the United States Geological Survey, the quake struck April 3, 2022 at 02:51 local time with a magnitude of 1.5 at a distance of 16 km northeast of Barstow (San Bernardino County, California). Km While seismologists will manually evaluate the data and refine their calculations, the magnitude, exact location and depth of the quake will be adjusted over the next few hours.
The second agency, Raspberry Shake’s Citizen-Seismograph Network, also gave the quake a magnitude of 3.6. The epicenter was reported below the epicenter, at 3.6 magnitude.
Based on the initial seismic data, the quake did not cause any damage. However, many people near the quake could feel a slight tremor.
According to preliminary estimates, the epicenter was reported below the Pacific Ocean floor, however; no tsunami alert was issued. .24,200, very light vibration) and Lenwood (pop. 3,500 21 km, very low vibration). The epicenter was reported below the Pacific Ocean floor, however; no tsunami alert was issued. To feel.

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Earthquake data

Date and time: 3 April 2022 09:51:30 UTC –
Local time at the epicenter: Sunday, April 3, 2022 2:51 am (GMT -7)
Size: 3.6
Depth of earthquake: 1.5 km

Global Center. Latitude / Longitude: 35.03733 N / 116.9775 ° W (San Bernardino, California, USA)
Seismicity negative: 35.037 S / 63.023 E
Nearest volcano: Lavic Lake (45 km / 28 mi)
Nearby places and cities:
Of 16 km NNE Barstow (Pop: 23,700) -> Near Earthquake!
20 km of NNE Barstow Heights (San Bernardino County) (Pop: 24,200) -> Near Earthquake!
20 km of NNE Barstow Heights (San Bernardino County) (Pop: 24,200) -> Near Earthquake!
Of 37 km SW Fort Irwin (San Bernardino County) (Pop: 8,850) -> Near Earthquake!
Of 63 km NNE Apple Valley (Pop: 72,200) -> Near Earthquake!
Of 63 km NNE Victorville (pop: 122,200) -> Near Earthquake!
64 km NE Atlanto (San Bernardino County) (Pop: 33,200) -> Earthquake is near!
Of 74 km NNE Hesperia (Pop: 93,300) -> Near Earthquake!
160 km NE Los Angeles (Pop: 3,971,900) -> Earthquake is near!
Of 563 km SE Sacramento (Pop: 490,700) -> Earthquake is near!

Weather in the center during the earthquake:
Cloudy skies 14.9 C (59 F), Humidity: 63%, Air: 4 m / s from WSW (7 kts)

Primary data source: USGS (American Geological Survey)

Estimated seismic energy: 1.6×1010 Joule (4.4 MW hour equals 3.79 TNT) | About seismic energy

If you feel this tremor or are nearby when the tremor occurs, Share Your Experience About Earthquakes! Other users want to know about this!
Even if you do not realizeEven if you are around, this is interesting information that you will love Can share! Actual seismic reports from users are important for seismic research as they help to improve seismic models and therefore seismic risk potential. You can use your device’s position finder or drag a movable marker on the map to indicate your location during an earthquake (optional). thank you very much!

Earthquake data from different agencies compared

Info: When different agencies report the same earthquake, the data will be more reliable and can get an average value for accuracy such as magnitude and depth. It usually takes a few hours for seismic data to be accurately interpreted and for information to be obtained with reliable accuracy. As a result, the quantity and other data are being revised again and again for the first few hours.

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Strength Depth Location Proof
3.6 1.5 km 10 miles from Barstow NNE, CA. USGS
3.6 5 km Southern California EMSC
3.6 1.5 km Central California Raspberry Shake